2019: The worst year of my life…


Broken heart, quite a few fuck-ups, homelessness, debts, depressions, anxiety, lost of trust, getting fired and 15 visited countries as a “patch” to run away from all that…

That was the year 2019 for me.

This summary doesn’t need more comments. And I do not want to add more comments. After the years of struggles with Lyme Disease and other life-threatening obstacles and vain hope for better times, the 2019 was a total disaster. Again. And even the fact that all in all it was another year full of travels won’t change the bad taste in my mouth…

I’ve just written another black chapter of my life book that I want to forget about. Hard to find anything else positive, that’s why I’m going to stick to this one. I’ve managed to beat my record from 2017. Whether it be a long “holiday” or weekend trips, I’ve visited in total 15 countries, out of which 6 were new for me. Even though most of the travels this year felt I’ve been just running away from everything, it does count and can be pinned on the map!

I don’t make any new year’s resolutions. But my wish remains the same every year – May the upcoming year treats me better then the previous ones…

Only those who have been there know how hard is to let everything go and start again, but have no other choice than leave the 2019 behind. As well as all the previous years.

I feel like 2020 is gonna be full of traveling again. And I don’t think there is a better start of the new year than going on adventures. Talk to you from Malaysia! 😎